In-store guide
Bring your own containers in-store and just pay for what you take. One of our team will do all the weighing for you.. simple as that..
If you happen to pop by without a container we supply re-usable paper bags.
Delivery guide
Will be sent in re-usable paper bags
Organic Bulghur Wheat Medium 69p/100g
Bulgur wheat is a nutritious cereal wholegrain made from dried, cracked wheat. It originated in the Mediterranean thousands of years ago and to this day, it’s a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine.
Bulgur has a nutty taste, a chewy texture and is excellent at absorbing other flavours. Its consistency is similar to couscous or quinoa when cooked.
Bulgur wheat is created by milling the wheat berries into smaller pieces, this process will give your cooking an advantage by reducing the cooking time while retaining all the nutritious goodness of whole bulgur wheat.
This wheat grain is frequently used in various dishes like salads, pilafs and stews to add an element of texture and nutrition. Because of its chewy texture, this bulgar wheat can be used as a meat replacement to create vegan versions of dishes.
Because this grain is made from cracked wheat, this grain is packed with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other amazing health benefits.